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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 365-527

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Accurately Model the Kuramoto--Sivashinsky Dynamics with Holistic Discretization

T. MacKenzie and A. J. Roberts

pp. 365-402

The Moment Map: Nonlinear Dynamics of Density Evolution via a Few Moments

D. Barkley, I. G. Kevrekidis, and A. M. Stuart

pp. 403-434

Numerical Continuation of Symmetric Periodic Orbits

Claudia Wulff and Andreas Schebesch

pp. 435-475

Symmetry and Automated Branch Following for a Semilinear Elliptic PDE on a Fractal Region

John M. Neuberger, Nándor Sieben, and James W. Swift

pp. 476-507

Stability of Coupled Map Networks with Delays

Fatihcan M. Atay and Özkan Karabacak

pp. 508-527